How to make tea without a teapot

How to make tea without a teapot? We assure you it isn’t impossible. In fact, it may be as simple as putting a tea bag in a microwaveable mug and boiling water. Sure, you might feel like heating up a kettle and straining your tea every now and then. When your apartment doesn’t have a stovetop, you’re stuck. The good news is that stove-free methods can produce a delicious cup of tea.
Choose your tea wisely
Welcome if you have no idea how to make tea. We’re glad you’ve come to share a sweet addiction with us. And we know everyone loves tea because it is the world’s second most popular beverage, trailing only water. Furthermore, it is almost as simple to prepare as a drinking glass of water.
What’s the first step? Get yourself some tea bags. You should start with a sampler pack if your favorite tea is not within reach: there are many different options in flavor so you can find something you like. You may also want to try samplers of the same type of tea. We have fruit green tea, green tea, ginger tea, and black tea on hand. Is it too much? Maybe, but when tea spiration strikes, we always carry the right blend.
Note: Choose your tea wisely. Must see the expiration date before using it.
How to make tea without a teapot
We’ve all heard that kitchen space in flats can be limited. If you don’t want to take up valuable space for storage with tea-making equipment, there’s a quick fix: the microwave.
The microwave method may be a surprise for some folks, but it is tried and successful.
- Fill a microwave-safe mug with water.
- Place a tea bag in the water.
- Add sugar according to your taste
- Then, set the timing to 1-2 minutes for 1 cup.
- Your tea is ready once the timer appears to be complete.
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